K. David Harrison

List of John Benjamins publications for which K. David Harrison plays a role.


Lessons from Documented Endangered Languages

Edited by K. David Harrison, David S. Rood and Arienne Dwyer

[Typological Studies in Language, 78] 2008. vi, 375 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Harrison, K. David and Gregory D.S. Anderson 2008 Tofa language change and terminal generation speakersLessons from Documented Endangered Languages, Harrison, K. David, David S. Rood and Arienne Dwyer (eds.), pp. 243–270 | Article
Small and moribund languages seem to behave in some ways as if they were going to continue living forever. Their speakers – including those in the very terminal generation – may continue to introduce changes and innovations, including changes resulting in both simplification and in greater… read more
Harrison, K. David, David S. Rood and Arienne Dwyer 2008 A world of many voices: Editors' introductionLessons from Documented Endangered Languages, Harrison, K. David, David S. Rood and Arienne Dwyer (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Miscellaneous
Anderson, Gregory D.S. and K. David Harrison 2004 Shaman and bear: Siberian prehistory in two Middle Chulym textsLanguages and Prehistory of Central Siberia, Vajda, Edward J. (ed.), pp. 179–197 | Article
Harrison, K. David 2004 South Siberian sound symbolismLanguages and Prehistory of Central Siberia, Vajda, Edward J. (ed.), pp. 199–214 | Article
Harrison, K. David and Abigail R. Kaun 2003 Vowels and Vowel Harmony in Namangan TatarCurrent Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in honor of Howard I. Aronson, Holisky, Dee Ann and Kevin Tuite (eds.), pp. 193–206 | Article