A new type of morphological expressive linguistic means and the corresponding linguistic sign are described: metasemy1
— an expressive linguistic means that is an operation on the signified of the target lexeme; and metasemy2
— a sign whose signifier is a metasemy1. Thus, the English… read more
A formal linguistitic model is presented, which produces, for a given conceptual representation of an extralinguistic situation, a corresponding semantic representation [SemR] that, in its turn, underlies the deep-syntactic representations of four near-synonymous Russian sentences expressing the… read more
Deux prépositions zéro sont postulées pour le français : les lexèmes Ø.LOC(prépos) (On s’est vu Ø.LOC(prépos) rue de Rivoli.) et Ø.TEMP(prépos) (On s’est vu Ø.TEMP(prépos) jeudi.) L’article propose une brève discussion des signes zéro dans les langues du monde et une justification pour… read more
This paper presents a general overview of the notion of linguistic dependency and of its application in formal modeling of Language. Three major types of dependency are distinguished: semantic, syntactic and morphological dependencies; all cases of their 14 possible combinations in a sentence are… read more
The paper discusses the morphological status and the function of Spanish nominal endings -o and -a (ciel+o ‘sky’ vs. caj+a ‘box’); it is shown that both endings, plus the endings -e and -Ø, are inflectional suffixes that mark, however, not the values of an inflectional category (like nominal number… read more
The paper is aimed at defining the concepts needed in the discussion of so-called ‘support (≈ light) verbs’ and presenting a way of describing them in the lexicon in terms of Lexical Functions [= LFs]. It develops the following six points :
1. A genuine support verb is semantically empty (or… read more
A rigorous definition of 'suppletion' is proposed, based on prototypical cases and the following pivotal idea of the current notion: two linguistic signs are in relation of suppletion if the semantic difference between them is maximally regular (i.e., it is grammatical inflectional or derivational)… read more
Rigorous definitions are proposed for three important syntactic-morphological concepts: agreement, government and congruence. They are defined as particular cases of morphological dependency between wordforms of an utterance (distinguished from semantic and syntactic dependencies between… read more
Leo Elnitsky et Igor A. Mel'cuk: Description lexicographique de la cooccurrence de lexemes parametriques en francais et en russe: actant de valeur numerique vs. attribut de degree. On introduit d'abord deux traits importants du Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire (D.E.C.): 1) exigence de… read more