Stephen D. Krashen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stephen D. Krashen plays a role.

Urdu and Turkish speaking children acquiring Norwegian as a second language learned more subject matter in bilingual classes than comparison students in monolingual Norwegian-only classes. Monolingual native speakers of Norwegian learned the same amount of subject matter in bilingual and… read more
University level students of Spanish were tested on their (acquired) competence in the subjunctive. Free reading in Spanish was a significant predictor of subjunctive competence, but length of residence in a Spanish-speaking country, formal study, and specific study of the subjunctive were not… read more
First year high school students in Taiwan filled out a questionniare probing their writing anxiety and leisure reading and writing habits in Chinese. A strong relationship was found between reported writing apprehension and frequency of leisure writing, confirming results reported by Daly and… read more
University level students of English as a Foreign Language in Japan, enrolled in a special class for students who had failed English, did a semester of extensive reading in place of the traditional curriculum. Their gains in reading comprehension were significantly greater than a comparison group… read more
Lao, Christy Y., Stephen D. Krashen, Barry C. Gribbons, Janice Schafrik-Arenault and William B. Michael 1996 Conversational Language Proficiency among International Students at the University Level: Personal Hypotheses versus Actual PracticeITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 113/114, pp. 245–262 | Article
A common assumption is that international students in English-speaking countries have well-developed competence in academic language, but have deficiencies in conversational language. This assumption is in contrast to the situation among limited English speaking children (CUMMINS, 1989). If true,… read more
Lee, Yon Ok, Stephen D. Krashen and Barry Gribbons 1996 The Effect of Reading on the Acquisition of English Relative ClausesITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 113/114, pp. 263–273 | Article
49 adult acquirers of English as a second language took two tests probing restrictive relative clause competence. The amount of reported pleasure reading done by subjects were the only significant predictor of both measures. Neither years of formal study nor length of residence in the United… read more
Curtiss, Susan, Victoria Fromkin and Stephen D. Krashen 1978 Language Development in the Mature (minor) Right HemisphereITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 39/40, pp. 23–37 | Article
Krashen, Stephen D., James Butler, Robert Birnbaum and Judith Robertson 1978 Two Studies in Language Acquisition and Language LearningITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 39/40, pp. 73–92 | Article