Prakash Mondal
List of John Benjamins publications for which Prakash Mondal plays a role.
How linguistic meaning harmonizes with information through meaning conservation Pragmatics & Cognition 26:2/3, pp. 296–320 | Article
2019 This paper aims to characterize the relationship between information as defined in the information-theoretic approach and linguistic meaning by way of formulation of computations over the lexicon of a natural language. Information in its information theoretic sense is supposed not to be… read more
How does the faculty of language relate to rules, axioms, and constraints? Pragmatics & Cognition 21:2, pp. 270–303 | Article
2013 This paper explores the link between rules of grammar, grammar formalisms and the architecture of the language faculty. In doing so, it provides a flexible meta-level theory of the language faculty through the postulation of general axioms that govern the interaction of different components of… read more
How the intentionality of emotion can be traced to the intensionality of emotion: Intensionality in emotive predicates Pragmatics & Cognition 21:1, pp. 35–54 | Article
2013 In this paper a connection between intentionality, intensionality, language and emotion will be drawn up through a demonstration of an intimate relationship between the intentionality of emotion and intensionality in language. What will be shown is that the intentionality of emotion can ultimately… read more