Bruno Paoli
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bruno Paoli plays a role.
Generative linguistics and Arabic metrics Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms: From language to metrics and beyond, Aroui, Jean-Louis and Andy Arleo (eds.), pp. 193–208 | Article
2009 The classical theory of Arabic metrics has been reinterpreted numerous times in a variety of theoretical frameworks, notable among them Metrical Phonology (Prince 1989 & Schuh 1996) and Optimality Theory (Golston & Riad 1991), which we briefly examine to show that they do not permit an adequate… read more
Meters and formulas: The case of ancient Arabic poetry Linguistic Approaches to Poetry, Michaux, Christine and Marc Dominicy (eds.), pp. 113–136 | Article
2001 This paper deals with the metrical and rhythmical foundations of the formulaic style of ancient Arabic poetry. It is first shown how proper formulas can match different verse-patterns, by means of slight modifications such as the adjunction, deletion or substitution of conjunctions, prepositions,… read more