Silvia Adler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Silvia Adler plays a role.


Adpositions: Pragmatic, semantic and syntactic perspectives

Edited by Dennis Kurzon and Silvia Adler

[Typological Studies in Language, 74] 2008. viii, 307 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
This study focuses on the iconographic channel of the graphic novel as a particular occurrence of silence. In Comics, images provide not only the data required for the development of narration; they also render available the concrete circumstances of the enunciation and often orient the reader… read more
In respect of their absolute use, without complement, French sequences sharing the pattern [Preposition – Definite article – Noun – Preposition] have to be subcategorized by lexical and by semantic parameters. These sequences are frequently classified as “prepositional locutions” in the French… read more
This article pursues a series of studies on French expressions commonly called “prepositional locutions” whose dual goal is, first, the treatment of their lexical status and, second, the possibilities of anaphorisation by a simple suppression of their complement, operation often attributed to the… read more
Kurzon, Dennis and Silvia Adler 2008 IntroductionAdpositions: Pragmatic, semantic and syntactic perspectives, Kurzon, Dennis and Silvia Adler (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Miscellaneous
The present paper deals with the preposition au-delà de as a scalarity marker in three languages — French, English and Hebrew — representing each a distinct family: Roman, Germanic and Semitic, respectively. Our study is performed in the theoretical framework of the semantics of degree (cf. J.… read more