Manola Salustri
List of John Benjamins publications for which Manola Salustri plays a role.
Looking for the universal core of the RI stage The Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages, Torrens, Vincent and Linda Escobar (eds.), pp. 159–182 | Article
2006 As it is well known, child Italian does not show a typical Root Infinitive (RI) stage (Guasti 1994), in contrast to German, Dutch, etc. Salustri and Hyams (2003) provided evidence from 3 monolingual Italian children and 1 bilingual German-Italian child that there exists an analogue of the RI stage… read more
Supporting the Separate Systems Hypothesis: A Case Study in Bilingual Acquisition of Italian and German Romance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition, Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Yves Roberge (eds.), pp. 263–280 | Article