Elaine Tarone

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elaine Tarone plays a role.


Interlanguage: Forty years later

Edited by ZhaoHong Han and Elaine Tarone

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 39] 2014. vii, 255 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Tarone, Elaine and Colleen Meyers 2018 Chapter 9. The Mirroring Project: Improving suprasegmentals and intelligibility in ESL presentationsSpeaking in a Second Language, Alonso, Rosa Alonso (ed.), pp. 197–223 | Chapter
The Mirroring Project (Lindgren et al., 2003; Meyers, 2013, 2014) is a pedagogical option helping those who speak in a second language to improve their intelligibility in a holistic, context-sensitive way. Longitudinal, video-recorded evidence shows how the suprasegmental phonology of one adult… read more
Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone 2014 IntroductionInterlanguage: Forty years later, Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Tarone, Elaine 2014 Chapter 1. Enduring questions from the Interlanguage HypothesisInterlanguage: Forty years later, Han, ZhaoHong and Elaine Tarone (eds.), pp. 7–26 | Chapter
This chapter claims that the Interlanguage Hypothesis is best understood, not as a theory of second language acquisition (SLA), but as a set of questions that motivate divergent answers and research programs. Selinker’s (1972) basic question is whether there is a linguistic system that underlies… read more
Broner, Maggie and Elaine Tarone 2000 Language play in immersion classroom discourse: Some suggestions for language teachingDiscourse Analysis and Language Teaching, Alcón-Soler, Eva and Josep R. Guzman Pitarch (eds.), pp. 121–133 | Article
Blanco-Iglesias, Susana, Juaquina Broner and Elaine Tarone 1995 Observations of language use in Spanish immersion classroom interactionsThe Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in honor of William E. Rutherford, Eubank, Lynn, Larry Selinker and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.), pp. 241 ff. | Article
Gundel, Jeanette K. and Elaine Tarone 1992 Language Transfer and the Acquisition of Pronominal AnaphoraLanguage Transfer in Language Learning: Revised edition, Gass, Susan M. and Larry Selinker (eds.), pp. 87 ff. | Article