Hubert Benz
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hubert Benz plays a role.
»Neque quidquam intelligi potest esse sine esse«: Zur Seinsnotwendigkeit als erkenntnistheoretischem Grundsatz bei Meister Eckhart und Nikolaus von Kues Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter: Band 13. 2008, Mojsisch, Burkhard, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn (Hrsg.), pp. 142–170 | Article
2008 »Neque quidquam intelligi potest esse sine esse.« On the necessity of being as an epistemological principle in Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Kues. The paper analyses the plausibility of the reasoning for the rational necessity of being. The decisive point for the question as to why for Meister… read more
Lust (delectatio) und Freude (gaudium) bei Thomas von Aquin Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter: Band 7. 2002, Mojsisch, Burkhard, Olaf Pluta und Rudolf Rehn (Hrsg.), pp. 1–23 | Article
2002 Thomas Aquinas’s theory of pleasure and joy has many implications of Plato’s thinking, that pleasure must have a certain measure and different degrees, and especially of Aristotle’s teaching about the relationship between pleasure and affection, pleasure and action. Thomas holds pleasure to be… read more