Ora R. Schwarzwald
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ora R. Schwarzwald plays a role.
Chapter 7. Inflection Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Background, Morpho-lexicon, and Syntax, Berman, Ruth A. (ed.), pp. 147–202 | Chapter
2020 Inflection in Modern Hebrew is described as involving the following categories:
Tense (Past, Future), Mood (Imperative), Person, Number, and Gender in verbs; Number,
Gender, and Construct-State in nouns; Number and Gender in adjectives. Most inflection is
manifested by suffixes, except for Person… read more
The lowest common denominator as a factor in the formation of Modern Hebrew phonology The Intricacy of Languages, Feliu, Francesc and Olga Fullana (eds.), pp. 53–67 | Chapter
2019 Spoken Hebrew was revived in speech some 140 years ago. Basic classical Hebrew vocabulary and grammatical structures were retained in their language because Jews had always used Hebrew for liturgical purposes and as a means of communicating between disparate communities. However, the mother tongues… read more
The special status of nif'al in Hebrew Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, Armon-Lotem, Sharon, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein (eds.), pp. 61–76 | Article
2008 The paper examines the special morphological and semantic features of nifal and shows that its semantic complexity matches its morphology: its basic template is composed of two distinct syllabic structures; its tense distribution is different from all the other templates and its conjugations… read more
8. Opacity in Hebrew word morphology Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-Based, Morphology, Shimron, Joseph (ed.), pp. 147–163 | Chapter
2003 Semitic Doubles in Hebrew and Ladino Tendances Récentes en Linguistique Française et Générale: Volume dédié à David Gaatone, Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, Hava et Lucien Kupferman (dir.), pp. 371–382 | Article
1995 Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew Verbs Target 5:1, pp. 71–88 | Article
1993 The present study is a linguistic analysis of the translations of some Biblical and Mishnaic verb forms into Ladino in Pirke Avot 'Ethics of the Fathers'. The liturgical Hebrew text includes both language layers, Biblical and Mishnaic. It is read by Sephardic Jewry from Passover to Pentecost a… read more
Language Problems as Reflected in Hebrew Poems for Children Language Problems and Language Planning 12:3, pp. 239–251 | Article
1988 RESUMEN Problemas idiomáticos reflejadas en poesías hebreas para niños El présente estudio, dedicado a temas idiomáticos y lingüísticos, es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación de poesías hebreas para niños. La investigación revela que varias de las poesías están dedicadas a renovación… read more