Zeki Hamawand

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zeki Hamawand plays a role.

This paper reflects on interjections in English. An interjection is a word or phrase that is used to express strong emotions, often suddenly, like oops when a small mistake happens, as in Oops! I typed two Ls by mistake. To provide a new picture of interjections, it embeds the analysis in… read more
This paper seeks to provide a new analysis of punctuation marks in English. To do so, it substantiates two claims of Cognitive Grammar. One claim is that the meaning of a linguistic expression is best understood in terms of the domain to which it belongs. In light of this claim, the paper argues… read more
This paper is about gradation of meaning in English, the situation in which the degree of the quality of a word increases or decreases, caused conceptually by communicative demands and expressed lexically by other words called degree adverbs. The choice of a degree adverb reflects the speaker's… read more
Hamawand, Zeki 2003 The construal of atemporalisation in complement clauses in EnglishAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 1, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 59–85 | Article