Márcia Schmaltz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Márcia Schmaltz plays a role.


This empirical-experimental study investigates the cognitive effort in the problem solving process guiding decision making in the translation of linguistic metaphors in a journalistic text by twelve professional translators from Chinese into Portuguese. The tools for the collection of the data were… read more
Lourenço da Silva, Igor A., Fabio Alves, Márcia Schmaltz, Adriana Pagano, Derek Wong, Lidia Chao, Ana Luísa V. Leal, Paulo Quaresma, Caio Garcia and Gabriel Eduardo da Silva 2017 Chapter 4. Translation, post-editing and directionality: A study of effort in the Chinese-Portuguese language pairTranslation in Transition: Between cognition, computing and technology, Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke and Bartolomé Mesa-Lao (eds.), pp. 107–134 | Chapter
Translation process research has focused on alphabetic scripts in post-editing and translation tasks from the second language (L2) into the mother tongue (L1). This chapter approaches translation and post-editing tasks involving Chinese, which has a logographic script, in combination with… read more
da Silva, Igor Antônio Lourenço, Márcia Schmaltz, Fabio Alves, Adriana Pagano, Derek Wong, Lidia Chao, Ana Luísa V. Leal, Paulo Quaresma and Caio Garcia 2015 Translating and Post-Editing in the Chinese-Portuguese Language Pair: Insights from an Exploratory Study of Key Logging and Eye TrackingTranslation as a cognitive activity, Alves, Fabio, Amparo Hurtado Albir and Isabel Lacruz (eds.), pp. 145–169 | Article