Pierluigi Cuzzolin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pierluigi Cuzzolin plays a role.

Da Milano, Federica and Pierluigi Cuzzolin 2019 AcI: Inheritance and influence on some languages of Western EuropeLatin influence on the syntax of the languages of Europe, Cornillie, Bert and Bridget Drinka (eds.), pp. 108–124 | Article
This paper examines the history of the Accusativus cum Infinitivo (henceforth: AcI) construction in some languages of Western Europe (the Romance and Germanic languages), and attempts to ascertain whether the AcI in the modern languages is modelled on the AcI of Latin or whether the form was… read more
Cuzzolin, Pierluigi 2012 Readers’ CornerJournal of Historical Linguistics 2:1, pp. 3–6 | Article
The paper aims to show how translation can transfer certain culture-specific concepts into a different culture, possibly modifying it. It concentrates on the translation of the Greek preposition epí into Latin, Gothic, and Old Church Slavonic in Luke’s Gospel. We argue that, to various extents,… read more