Seiko Fujii

List of John Benjamins publications for which Seiko Fujii plays a role.

Fujii, Seiko and Russell Lee-Goldman 2020 Argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts: The case of the Japanese causal node constructionThe Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research, Colleman, Timothy, Frank Brisard, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.), pp. 79–86 | Article
This paper presents a frame-based constructional approach to argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts, by focusing on one such case in Japanese. It points out an intriguing constructional phenomenon whereby causal adjunct clauses marked with node ‘because’, as used with main-clause… read more
Uchida, Satoru and Seiko Fujii 2013 A frame-based approach to connectivesAdvances in Frame Semantics, Fried, Mirjam and Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.), pp. 133–158 | Article
This study proposes an extended FrameNet approach for the description of connectives. The meanings of connectives are described with respect to the two frames evoked by each of the conjoined clauses, whose combinational patterns are termed “frame valences”. Taking the English polysemous connective… read more
Uchida, Satoru and Seiko Fujii 2011 A frame-based approach to connectivesAdvances in Frame Semantics, pp. 128–154 | Article
This study proposes an extended FrameNet approach for the description of connectives. The meanings of connectives are described with respect to the two frames evoked by each of the conjoined clauses, whose combinational patterns are termed “frame valences”. Taking the English polysemous connective… read more
Hasegawa, Yoko, Russell Lee-Goldman, Kyoko Ohara, Seiko Fujii and Charles J. Fillmore † 2010 On expressing measurement and comparison in English and JapaneseContrastive Studies in Construction Grammar, Boas, Hans C. (ed.), pp. 169–200 | Article
Fujii, Seiko 2000 Incipient decategrorization of MONO and grammaticalization of speaker attitude in Japanese discoursePragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude, Andersen, Gisle and Thorstein Fretheim (eds.), pp. 85–118 | Article
Fujii, Seiko 1996 Mental-space builders: Observations from Japanese and English conditionalsEssays in Semantics and Pragmatics: In honor of Charles J. Fillmore, Shibatani, Masayoshi and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 73–90 | Article