Jessica Terese Mueller
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jessica Terese Mueller plays a role.
Training service providers to work effectively with interpreters through educational videos: A qualitative study Interpreting 25:2, pp. 274–300 | Article
2023 To ensure the quality of interpreter-mediated encounters, not only interpreters but also service providers need to be trained. However, most of them lack adequate training. This study aimed to evaluate educational videos as a (self-)learning tool with which to train service providers to work… read more
English as a lingua franca at the multilingual university: A comparison of monolingually and multilingually raised students and instructors Foreign Language Education in Multilingual Classrooms, Bonnet, Andreas and Peter Siemund (eds.), pp. 359–380 | Chapter
2018 Through an explorative study, we have begun to examine what other languages can be found at the University of Hamburg and what roles these languages play alongside German and English in university instruction. In the first portion of the data collection process, 1454 students and 341 instructors… read more