Fritz Peter Knapp
List of John Benjamins publications for which Fritz Peter Knapp plays a role.
In search of the lost French ‘Ur-Renart’ Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Abeele, Baudouin Van den and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 65–75 | Article
2010 More than a century was to pass from the composition of the oldest branches of the Roman de Renart down to the oldest surviving manuscripts. In that century the life of these branches - just as the life of lyric texts and short chansons de geste - was primarily oral. Therefore we find important and… read more
"Antworte dem Narren nach seiner Narrheit!" Das Speculum stultorum des Nigellus von Canterbury Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Levy, Brian J. and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 45–68 | Article