Fanny Limousin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fanny Limousin plays a role.

Morgenstern, Aliyah, Marion Blondel, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Sandra Benazzo, Dominique Boutet, Angelika Kochan and Fanny Limousin 2018 Chapter 16. The blossoming of negation in gesture, sign and oral productionsSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 339–364 | Chapter
Negation constructions in longitudinal adult-child data are an excellent source for the study of multimodality in language acquisition. First negative constructions seem to take over from early forms of rejection and avoidance, but tracing the transitions between actions and gestures, and between… read more
Based on her observation of two deaf children acquiring American Sign Language (ASL) who stopped pointing to persons at around 12 months and then produced reversal errors, Petitto (1987) argued that the discontinuous development of gestures and signs gives support to the hypothesis that language… read more
Morgenstern, Aliyah, Stéphanie Caët, Marie Collombel-Leroy, Fanny Limousin and Marion Blondel 2012 From gesture to sign and from gesture to word: Pointing in deaf and hearing childrenGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 49–78 | Article
In this paper, we explore the issue of (dis)continuity between gestures and signs and gestures and words by comparing three longitudinal follow-ups of a hearing monolingual French speaking child, a deaf signing child (LSF), and a hearing bilingual (French-LSF) child. Our study indicates that the… read more
Devant l’absence de test d’évaluation des aptitudes linguistiques en langue des signes française (LSF) des enfants signeurs et les besoins exprimés par les nombreux professionnels et chercheurs concernés, nous avons tenté d’adapter à la LSF un test déjà validé pour une autre langue des signes.… read more
L’étude présentée ici vise à déterminer les paramètres gestuels de la prosodie et leur évolution dans deux études longitudinales, celle d’une enfant sourde (LSF) et celle d’une enfant entendante bilingue (français-LSF), entre 8 et 25 mois. Nous proposons que l’intensité, la fréquence et la durée… read more
Morgenstern, Aliyah, Stéphanie Caët, Marie Collombel-Leroy, Fanny Limousin and Marion Blondel 2010 From gesture to sign and from gesture to word: Pointing in deaf and hearing childrenGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 172–202 | Article
In this paper, we explore the issue of (dis)continuity between gestures and signs and gestures and words by comparing three longitudinal follow-ups of a hearing monolingual French speaking child, a deaf signing child (LSF), and a hearing bilingual (French-LSF) child. Our study indicates that the… read more