This chapter investigates a practice used in Italian talk-in-interaction, whereby a speaker self-selects and expands the prior speaker’s talk with a grammatically dependent turn prefaced by e anche ‘and also’. The practice is used either to affiliate or disaffiliate with prior talk, and occurs… read more
Speakers of Italian have at their disposal a variety of phrasal and clausal resources for questioning meaning, among which is the format che cosa vuol dire X? (‘what does X mean?’). Likewise, recent studies on English and German about similar resources have shown that speakers use them to… read more
This editorial to the Special Issue on “Meaning in Interaction” introduces to the approach of Interactional Semantics, which has been developed over the last years within the framework of Interactional Linguistics. It discusses how “meaning” is understood and approached in this framework and… read more
This chapter examines French oké and Italian occhei as resources with which interactants manage transitions from one course of action to another. It analyzes different kinds of institutional interactions, such as work meetings, political assemblies, and guided visits in French and Italian. In… read more
This chapter examines nel senso (che) ‘in the sense (that)’ in present-day conversational Italian. Speakers can use the resource to start a turn, to extend a turn-in-progress, or to yield a turn to a next speaker. In TCU-beginnings, it is describable as a projector construction, allowing speakers… read more
Guided tours are a “perspicuous setting” (Garfinkel & Wieder 1992) both for the study of asymmetries in professional contexts of interaction as well as for the analysis of how participants negotiate identities, categories and expertise. At first glance, the categorial distinction… read more
In this article, we set out to examine how participants organize their note-taking while engaged in multiparty interaction. We first describe the collective display of affiliation as an interactional practice that allows note-takers to identify recordables and to legitimize their writing. We then… read more
This chapter investigates how persons shopping together initiate orientation towards commercial objects that populate self-service stores. Drawing on the methods developed in conversation analysis, it discusses the actions that shoppers accomplish when introducing a ‘new’ object into their… read more
Drawing on a corpus of French radio phone-in confidential chats, this paper deals with the resources that participants recurrently employ to get back to a prior course of action following age-inquiry sequences. It might be expected that the age sequence occurs predominantly during the initial,… read more