During the Second World War, the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) provided language teaching manuals and dictionaries for military and civilian use. From 1 July 1943 through 30 June 1945, this work was concentrated at an office which was located at 165 Broadway, New York City, and… read more
Bloomfield’s position with regard to meaning and its importance in human use of language has been persistently misinterpreted. From a Wundtian, mentalistic psychology in his 1914 Introduction, he passed to a Weissian, non-mentalistic approach, as a result of which he considered it impossible to… read more
The wide-spread conception of Bloomfield as a cold, unfeeling person, devoted only to a naïve scientism, is discussed and refuted. The very intensity of his feelings led him to repress them and to give vent to them only indirectly, often which quiet but bitter wit and sarcasm. He consequently… read more
The novelist Edmondo de Amicis (1846–1908) was an important figure in the discussions of standard literary Italian at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. In his influential book L’idioma gentile (1905), he advocated a compromise between two extreme positions, pro- and… read more
La kreolistiko igis satata aspekto de la lingvopolitiko, parte pro interesigo pri la ebla pigina deveno de la usona 'nigrula angla' lingvo. Rezulte, oni amase, sed ofte nepercepteble, atentis socilingvistikajn aspektojn de kreolistiko. Leginte la subtitolon de la verko de Adler, do, oni bonvenigus… read more
Mario A. Pei, emerita profesoro pri latinida filologio en la Universitato Columbia, Novjorko, mortis la 2-an de marto, 1978, je la ago de 77 jaroj. Li instruis ce Columbia de 1937 al 1970; antaü tio, ce la Novjorkurba Kolegio (1923 al 1937). Unue Pei dedicis sin al studo pri la vulgarlatina; lia… read more