Lieven D’hulst
List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieven D’hulst plays a role.
A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects
Edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier
[Benjamins Translation Library, 142] 2018. ix, 475 pp.
Subjects History of linguistics | Translation Studies
Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries)
Edited by Teresa Seruya, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz
[Benjamins Translation Library, 107] 2013. ix, 287 pp.
Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies | Translation Studies
Functional Approaches to Culture and Translation: Selected papers by José Lambert
Edited by Dirk Delabastita, Lieven D’hulst and Reine Meylaerts
[Benjamins Translation Library, 69] 2006. xxviii, 226 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
European Shakespeares. Translating Shakespeare in the Romantic Age: Selected papers from the conference on Shakespeare Translation in the Romantic Age, Antwerp, 1990
Edited by Dirk Delabastita and Lieven D’hulst
[Not in series, 66] 1993. 256 pp.
Subjects English literature & literary studies | Translation Studies
Chapter 16. Latin/Romance tradition A World Atlas of Translation, Gambier, Yves and Ubaldo Stecconi (eds.), pp. 341–354 | Chapter
2019 The history of translation in Latin or Romance Europe is steered by three major driving forces. First, the transfer of cultural goods, e.g. between Greece and Rome, makes use of a broad set of writing techniques that include but also exceed what is labelled translation proper from the first… read more
Chapter 2.6. Transfer modes A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects, D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 135–142 | Chapter
2018 Chapter 4.8. Counterfactual history A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects, D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 277–281 | Chapter
2018 General introduction A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects, D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
2018 Vers une historiographie des politiques des traductions en Belgique durant la période française Target 26:1, pp. 3–31 | Article
2014 The language policy of the French Revolution is known today especially for the imposition of the national language and the oppression of dialects and regional languages in France. This pilot study focuses on a less-known phenomenon of that period: translation policy. From 1790 on, several decrees… read more
Forms and functions of anthologies of translations into French in the nineteenth century Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries), Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), pp. 17–34 | Article
2013 This contribution opens with a proposal to approach the concepts of “collection” and “anthology” from a generic viewpoint that includes a.o. features of editorial and translational genericity. Both concepts are then replaced in their historical context, i.e. the French 19th century. Definitions,… read more
Assumed translation Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 4, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 7–11 | Article
2013 Introduction: Translation anthologies and collections: An overview and some prospects Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries), Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
2013 Translation history Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 397–405 | Article
2010 Letter from the Editors Target 21:1, p. | Editorial
2009 Cultural translation: A problematic concept? Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury, Pym, Anthony, Miriam Shlesinger † and Daniel Simeoni (eds.), pp. 221–232 | Article
2008 7. Translators and the transmission of cultural values Translators through History, Delisle, Jean and Judith Woodsworth, pp. 191–228 | Chapter
1995 3. Translators and the emergence of national literatures Translators through History, Delisle, Jean and Judith Woodsworth, pp. 67–100 | Chapter
Sur le rôle des métaphores en traductologie contemporaine Target 4:1, pp. 33–51 | Article
1992 Loin d'être un substrat de théories 'préscientifiques', la métaphore traductologique conserve sa place et son rôle dans les théories contemporaines. Entant qu' instrument cognitif, elle y accomplit l'interaction entre le théme et desphores choisis dans des domaines comme la psycholinguistique ou la… read more
Ballard, Michel, Textes réunis et présentés par. 1990. La traduction plurielle Target 3:1, pp. 129–130 | Review
1991 Schogt, Henry G. 1988. Linguistics, Literary Analysis, and Literary Translation. Target 2:2, pp. 255–256 | Review
1990 Snell-Hornby, Mary. 1988. Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach Target 2:1, pp. 128–133 | Review