Jonathan Cohen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jonathan Cohen plays a role.


Five TV actors completed the Big Five personality scale for a character they played on a popular Israeli TV comedy. Viewers of each of these series completed the same scales both for themselves and as they thought the characters would have completed them. They then completed parasocial… read more
Cohen, Jonathan and Nurit Tal-Or 2017 Chapter 7. Antecedents of identification: Character, text, and audiencesNarrative Absorption, Hakemulder, Frank, Moniek M. Kuijpers, Ed S. Tan, Katalin Bálint and Miruna M. Doicaru (eds.), pp. 133–153 | Chapter
An important component of narrative involvement is identification, the taking on of a character’s emotions and perspective and adopting his or her goals. After carefully defining identification, the chapter turns to a brief discussion of some of its consequences such as enjoyment, interpretation,… read more
Cohen, Jonathan 1992 On the Project of a Universal CharacterJohn Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics, Subbiondo, Joseph L. (ed.), pp. 237–252 | Article