Bernard Colombat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bernard Colombat plays a role.

This article examines the links of dependency that are woven between words or phrases in Latin syntax according to Latin grammarians between 1500 and 1650. They establish a distinction between ‘convenience’ or ‘concord’ (agreement) and ‘rectio’ or ‘regime’ (government) depending on whether an… read more
This article examines the treatment of the interjection in the Latin grammatical tradition, from Varro to the 17th Century. The author focuses on the originality and specificity of this part of speech from different points of view: the etymology of the word ‘interiectio’ and its exploitation by… read more
This article ponders the identity of the author of the Grammaire générale et raisonnée (GGR): the book was published anonymously in 1660, but it is well-known that the authors are Antoine Arnauld and Claude Lancelot. In the Preface, Lancelot claims to be simply the secretary of Arnauld. In fact, an… read more
The purpose of this paper is to show how a project for a linguistic library has developed and expanded. Originally published on paper (in HEL, special numbers, 2 and 3), the Corpus représentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques (CRGTL) comprised bio-bibliographic notices describing… read more
This article is an account of a detailed study of the collection of sources and references used by Conrad Gessner in his Mithridates, de differentiis linguarum [...] obseruationes(1555). Although this volume is of modest length, its author intends for it to be a comprehensive survey of the world’s… read more