James Hyett

List of John Benjamins publications for which James Hyett plays a role.


Hyett, James and Carol Percy 2024 Gender, genre, and prescriptivism: Eighteenth-century female playwrights’ use of you was and you wereUnlocking the History of English: Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types, Caon, Luisella, Moragh S. Gordon and Thijs Porck (eds.), pp. 60–84 | Chapter
This paper extends our previous study of you was and you were in eighteenth-century English drama, examining trends following Robert Lowth’s proscription of you was in his grammar (1762) and complementing Tieken-Boon van Ostade’s (2002) and Laitinen’s (2009) studies of different genres.… read more
Hyett, James and Carol Percy 2022 Chapter 11. Theatrical practices and grammatical standardization in eighteenth-century Britain: you was and you wereEnglish Historical Linguistics: Change in structure and meaning, Los, Bettelou, Claire Cowie, Patrick Honeybone and Graeme Trousdale (eds.), pp. 263–286 | Chapter
This chapter extends the discussion of second-person pronouns and of eighteenth-century language norms by examining three playwrights’ use of you was in the period before its proscription by grammarians like Robert Lowth (1762). Our analysis corroborates historical sociolinguistic surveys by… read more