Brian Walker
List of John Benjamins publications for which Brian Walker plays a role.
Chapter 4. Charting the semantics of labour relations in House of Commons debates spanning two hundred years: A study of parliamentary language using corpus linguistic methods and automated semantic tagging Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse, Kranert, Michael and Geraldine Horan (eds.), pp. 81–104 | Chapter
2018 In this chapter we use new corpus linguistic software tools to investigate the discourse(s) of labour relations in UK House of Commons debates over the 19th and 20th centuries. Our data is from the Hansard Corpus (1803–2005), and benefits from the annotation of meaning and sense categories with the… read more
Keywords in the press: A critical corpus-assisted analysis of ideology in the Blair years (1998–2007) English Text Construction 5:2, pp. 208–229 | Article
2012 This article describes a corpus-assisted study of some socio-political keywords (in a similar sense to Raymond Williams’ ‘cultural keywords’ 1983 [1976]), of newspaper reporting between 1998 and 2007, when Tony Blair’s New Labour government was in power. We approach the discovery of… read more
Discourse presentation in Early Modern English writing: A preliminary corpus-based investigation International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16:1, pp. 101–130 | Article
2011 In this article we report on a pilot project investigating the presentation of speech, writing and thought in Early Modern English prose fiction and news writing. The aim of the project is to determine whether discourse presentation changes diachronically and what the function of the various… read more