June Gassin
List of John Benjamins publications for which June Gassin plays a role.
Innovations in university language teaching: Policy and practice Language Teaching and Learning in Australia, Mann, Chris and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. † (eds.), pp. 19–32 | Article
1992 University language teaching in Australia has undergone significant changes over the past few years in spite of considerable constraints. Many institutions have responded positively to the changing needs of their students with new courses, study abroad programs and summer schools. This paper… read more
Interkinesics and interprosodics in second language acquisition Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 15:1, pp. 95–106 | Article
1992 This paper assumes the unified nature of language behaviour including verbal, kinesic and prosodic forms. In the light of this, it proposes that Interlanguage Theory should be expanded to include kinesic and prosodic modes of behaviour. It presents the hypothesis that the acquisition of second… read more
The Notion of Synchrony in Second Language Learning Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987, Halliday, M.A.K. †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas (eds.), pp. 433–443 | Article
1990 Drama and the advanced ESL learner: An integrated approach to communication skills Volume 3, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 57–68 | Article
1986 This paper describes an experimental drama workshop offered to advanced level ESL students attending the University of Melbourne. The aims of the workshop are to increase awareness and control of body, breath and voice as well as to develop self-confidence, flexibility and spontaneity in… read more