Alice Fiorentino

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alice Fiorentino plays a role.


Fiorentino, Alice and Machteld Meulleman 2022 Chapter 15. The role of intercomprehension in short-term mobility experiences in multilingual contextsAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 297–316 | Chapter
Intercomprehension is a common and well-known mediation choice in established contexts of multilingualism such as bilingual families or neighbouring languages. However, in the context of mobility experiences this multilingual communication strategy is relatively rarely used and almost unstudied.… read more
Fiorentino, Alice 2018 The complementary nature of linguistic mediation in transnational adoption mobilityMediation Strategies, Pym, Anthony (ed.), pp. 328–343 | Article
In order to explore why people in multilingual contexts choose one mediation strategy or another, we conducted case studies involving short-term mobility for adoption purposes. For parents who adopt a child born in a different country, the experience necessitates a range of linguistic strategies… read more