Hande Sevgi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hande Sevgi plays a role.


This study investigates differences in language production of native, early-learner, and late-learner Turkish Sign Language (Türk İşaret Dili – TİD) signers in the domain of classifiers. For this study, we conducted a picture-signing task to elicit clauses with classifier constructions from… read more
Gökgöz, Kadir and Hande Sevgi 2020 Aspects of clause structure and morphology in Turkish Sign LanguageMorphological Complexity within and across Boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel, Gürer, Aslı, Dilek Uygun-Gökmen and Balkız Öztürk (eds.), pp. 315–352 | Chapter
We highlight some aspects of the clause structure of Turkish Sign Language (TİD). There are zero to three-argument predicates in TİD. We divide the paper into chapters according to the number of arguments, but morphological categorization of predicates is instrumental in understanding different… read more
Kayabaşı, Demet, Hande Sevgi and Ayse Sumru Özsoy 2020 Null arguments in Turkish Sign LanguageMorphological Complexity within and across Boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel, Gürer, Aslı, Dilek Uygun-Gökmen and Balkız Öztürk (eds.), pp. 385–418 | Chapter
This paper argues that phonologically null arguments in Turkish Sign Language (henceforth, TİD) are licensed as discourse topic(s). We observe that both null subjects and objects are licensed by both plain and agreeing verbs as well as classifiers. Moreover, we show that null arguments of both… read more