Sophia Ananiadou

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sophia Ananiadou plays a role.

Thompson, Paul and Sophia Ananiadou 2018 HYPHEN: A flexible, hybrid method to map phenotype concept mentions to terminological resourcesComputational terminology and filtering of terminological information, Drouin, Patrick, Natalia Grabar, Thierry Hamon, Kyo Kageura and Koichi Takeuchi (eds.), pp. 91–121 | Article
Narrative clinical records and biomedical articles constitute rich sources of information about phenotypes, i.e., markers distinguishing individuals with specific medical conditions from the general population. Phenotypes help clinicians to provide personalised treatments. However, locating… read more
Nenadic, Goran, Irena Spasic and Sophia Ananiadou 2004 Mining term similarities from corporaRecent Trends in Computational Terminology, Daille, Béatrice, Kyo Kageura, Hiroshi Nakagawa and Lee-Feng Chien (eds.), pp. 55–80 | Article
In this article, we present an approach to the automatic discovery of term similarities, which may serve as a basis for a number of term-oriented knowledge mining tasks. The method for term comparison combines internal (lexical similarity) and two types of external criteria (syntactic and… read more
Maynard, Diana and Sophia Ananiadou 2001 Term extraction using a similarity-based approachRecent Advances in Computational Terminology, Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. 261–278 | Chapter
Traditional methods of multi-word term extraction have used hybrid methods combining linguistic and statistical information. The linguistic part of these applications is often underexploited and consists of very shallow knowledge in the form of a simple syntactic filter. In most cases no… read more
Mima, Hideki and Sophia Ananiadou 2000 An application and e aluation of the C/NC-value approach for the automatic term recognition of multi-word units in JapaneseJapanese Term Extraction, Kageura, Kyo and Teruo Koyama, pp. 175–194 | Article
Technical terms are important for knowledge mining, especially as vast amounts of multi-lingual documents are available over the Internet. Thus, a domain and language-independent method for term recognition is necessary to automatically recognize terms from Internet documents. The C-/NC-value… read more
Arranz, M. Victoria, Ian Radford, Sophia Ananiadou and Junichi Tsujii 1997 Towards a sublanguage-based semantic clustering algorithmRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Selected Papers from RANLP ’95, Mitkov, Ruslan and Nicolas Nicolov (eds.), pp. 125–136 | Article