Nicolas Quint

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicolas Quint plays a role.


Approaches to Variation in Creole Studies

Edited by Isabelle Léglise, Bettina Migge and Nicolas Quint

Special issue of Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 36:1 (2021) v, 219 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Léglise, Isabelle, Bettina Migge and Nicolas Quint 2021 IntroductionApproaches to Variation in Creole Studies, Léglise, Isabelle, Bettina Migge and Nicolas Quint (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Introduction
Quint, Nicolas 2018 An assessment of the Arabic lexical contribution to contemporary spoken KoalibArabic in Contact, Manfredi, Stefano and Mauro Tosco (eds.), pp. 189–205 | Chapter
The present paper deals with the lexical contribution of Arabic, the dominant language of Sudan, to Koalib, a Kordofanian language traditionally spoken in the northeastern part of the Nuba Mountains (Southern Kordofan, central Sudan). The study is based on a corpus of 400 Koalib items borrowed from… read more
Quint, Nicolas 2010 Benefactive and malefactive verb extensions in the Koalib very systemBenefactives and Malefactives: Typological perspectives and case studies, Zúñiga, Fernando and Seppo Kittilä (eds.), pp. 295–316 | Article
In Koalib (Niger-Congo, Kordofanian branch, Heiban family), a basic verb can give rise to several verb extensions (VE), among which a benefactive and a malefactive. Section one deals with the main derivational characteristics (affixation, tonology, productivity, valency) of both VE. Section two… read more