Martina Temmerman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Martina Temmerman plays a role.

This chapter analyses the discursive strategies text producers of a Flemish women’s magazine adopt by using the first person plural pronoun. The analysis shows that in some instances, exclusive ‘we’ is used to create a distance between the editorial voice and the readers. The editorial voice gets… read more
Consociational democracy theory attributes an important role to the subgroup elites. They have to build the bridges between the subgroups and govern together in a divided and segmented society. This need for an accommodating elite has been criticized — among others — for its unrealistic… read more
This paper describes the way Belgian politicians represented themselves, their parties and the political situation in newspaper interviews in the government formation period of 2007. Interviews with four politicians, both in Dutch and in French, have been analyzed in order to reconstruct the image… read more
Temmerman, Martina 1996 Dutch Anaphoric Dat in DefinitionsCoherence and Anaphora, De Mulder, Walter and Liliane Tasmowski (eds.), pp. 207–220 | Article
Abstract. Dutch anaphoric dat has an important function in definitory exchanges. If dat is used in the recapitulation of a non-nominal definition, it increases the coherence of the defining utterance, by tying the recapitulation to the previous utterances and by permitting the switch of the focus… read more