Maria Josep Cuenca

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Josep Cuenca plays a role.


Romano, Manuela and Maria Josep Cuenca 2024 Conceptualizing the Covid-19 pandemic through similesCognitive Approaches to Mind, Language, and Society: Theory and description, Serrano-Losada, Mario and Daniela Pettersson-Traba (eds.), pp. 99–129 | Article
The new and shocking situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic stimulated the analysis of its impact in discourse. Discourse analysts have concentrated on the use of metaphor to create specific conceptualizations of the disease aimed at communicating the events and developments while influencing… read more
Cuenca, Maria Josep 2015 Beyond compare: Similes in interactionReview of Cognitive Linguistics 13:1, pp. 140–166 | Article
This paper deals with the formal properties and discourse features of “A és com B” (“A is like B”) similes in Catalan. In contrast with most previous approaches, the examples are naturally-occurring and the whole text has been analyzed so that their context, and not only the similes, is considered.… read more
Cuenca, Maria Josep 2013 The fuzzy boundaries between discourse marking and modal markingDiscourse Markers and Modal Particles: Categorization and description, Degand, Liesbeth, Bert Cornillie and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 191–216 | Chapter
Romano, Manuela and Maria Josep Cuenca 2013 Discourse markers, structure, and emotionality in oral narrativesNarrative Inquiry 23:2, pp. 344–370 | Article
This paper presents a comparative analysis structure and frequency of discourse markers in two kinds of oral narratives: objective, emotionally neutral ones on the one side, and highly emotional, spontaneous ones on the other. The results prove that emotionality plays a crucial role in the… read more
Cuenca, Maria Josep 2008 Review of Evans (2007): A Glossary of Cognitive LinguisticsAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 6, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 321–325 | Review
Cuenca, Maria Josep 1997 Form-Use Mappings for Tag QuestionsDiscourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Article