Eric Hoekstra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eric Hoekstra plays a role.


From West to North Frisia: A Journey along the North Sea Coast. Frisian studies in honour of Jarich Hoekstra

Edited by Alastair Walker, Eric Hoekstra, Goffe Jensma, Wendy Vanselow, Willem Visser and Christoph Winter

[NOWELE Supplement Series, 33] 2022. xxv, 476 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Hoekstra, Eric 2022 De keunst fan it oersetten: Analyse fan guon boppeslaggen yn in Bommeloersetting fan Jarich Hoekstra en Harke BremerFrom West to North Frisia: A Journey along the North Sea Coast, Walker, Alastair, Eric Hoekstra, Goffe Jensma, Wendy Vanselow, Willem Visser and Christoph Winter (eds.), pp. 149–160 | Chapter
This article considers the art of translating from Dutch into Frisian by Jarich Hoekstra and Harke Bremer in De Grutte Barribal, a translation of one of the adventures of Ollie B. Bommel, a fictive gentleman created by Maarten Toonder and well-known in the Netherlands. I make an in-depth… read more
Hoekstra, Eric, Anne Merkuur, Marjoleine Sloos and Jeroen van de Weijer 2018 Calculating a pattern’s competitive strength: Competition between /æ/ and /ʌ/ in irregular simple pasts and past participles in EnglishThe Mental Lexicon 13:1, pp. 143–157 | Article
This article proposes a measure of the competitive strength of two rival patterns in the domain of a subgroup of irregular verbs in English. There is competition between simple pasts built on the vowels /æ/ and /ʌ/, and the same competition is found in the domain of past participles. As a result… read more
Hanssen, Esther, Arjen P. Versloot, Eric Hoekstra, Arina Banga, Anneke Neijt and Robert Schreuder 2015  Morphological variation in the speech of Frisian-Dutch bilinguals: (Dis)similarity of linking suffixes and plural endingsLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5:3, pp. 356–378 | Article
In standard Dutch, the plural suffix -en is homographic and homophonic with the linking suffix -en (boek+en “books”, boek+en+kast “bookcase”), both being pronounced as schwa. In Frisian, there is neither homography nor homophony (boek+en “books”, pronounced with syllabic nasal; boek+e+kast… read more
This article presents an overview of the changes that took place in the syntactic use of the quantifiers ea and oait “ever” between 1250 and 1800 on the basis of the Frisian Language Corpus. Occurrences of Frisian ea and oait “ever” were classified and counted depending on the type of syntactic… read more
Hoekstra, Eric 2011 Negative polarity in morphology: The case of Frisian FOLLE ‘much, many’ as compared to Dutch VEELLinguistics in the Netherlands 2011, Nouwen, Rick and Marion Elenbaas (eds.), pp. 25–37 | Article
Hoekstra, Eric 2010 On the interruption of Verb-Raising clusters by nonverbal materialStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 175–184 | Article
Fooien, Ad, Ingrid van Alphen, Eric Hoekstra, Henk Lammers, Harrie Mazeland en Esther Pascual 2006 Het Quotatieve Van: Vorm, functie en sociolinguïstische variatieThema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek 5, pp. 137–149 | Article
Since the 1970s, the use of the Dutch preposition van in the (semi-)quotative function has been noted by several linguists and language users as rapidly increasing in informal speech. In this sense, it can be compared to the English quotative marker like, which is also used to introduce direct… read more
Hoekstra, Eric 2003 FrisianGermanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), pp. 193–209 | Article
Hoekstra, Eric 1997 Analysing Linear Asymmetries in the Verb Clusters of Dutch and Frisian and their DialectsRightward Movement, Beermann, Dorothee, David LeBlanc and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 153–170 | Article
Hoekstra, Eric 1993 Some implications of Number Agreement on COMPLinguistics in the Netherlands 1993, Drijkoningen, Frank and Kees Hengeveld (eds.), pp. 61–68 | Article