Caterina Donati
List of John Benjamins publications for which Caterina Donati plays a role.
Searching for imperatives in European sign languages Imperatives and Directive Strategies, Van Olmen, Daniël and Simone Heinold (eds.), pp. 111–156 | Chapter
2017 This article presents the first results of a pilot project aiming at analyzing how European sign languages realize a syntactic domain that is very solid, likely to be grammaticalized in any language but very poorly described or not described at all for sign languages: the imperative. Our… read more
WH-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS) Signs and Structures: Formal Approaches to Sign Language Syntax, Rutkowski, Paweł (ed.), pp. 39–70 | Article
2015 This paper focuses on those WH-questions in Italian Sign Language (LIS) featuring two lexically identical WH-signs. We show that WH1 (the first WH in linear order) is shorter than WH2 (the second WH in liner order). However, there is evidence that this different duration is due to a phrase final… read more
Subject intervention in free relatives Structures, Strategies and Beyond: Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti, Di Domenico, Elisa, Cornelia Hamann and Simona Matteini (eds.), pp. 369–392 | Article
2015 Subject intervention in wh-questions has been reported for several Romance varieties. The case we focus on here is free relatives. In Italian/French an object free relative introduced by chi/qui is degraded if a preverbal subject intervenes, much like the corresponding wh-question. However,… read more
wh-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS) Sign Language Syntax from a Formal Perspective: Selected Papers from the 2012 Warsaw FEAST, Rutkowski, Paweł (ed.), pp. 157–188 | Article
2013 This paper focuses on those wh-questions in Italian Sign Language (LIS) featuring two lexically identical wh-signs. We show that wh1 (the first wh in linear order) is shorter than wh2 (the second wh in liner order). However, there is evidence that this different duration is due to a phrase-final… read more
Relatively different: Italian Sign Language relative clauses in a typological perspective Correlatives Cross-Linguistically, Lipták, Anikó (ed.), pp. 157–191 | Article
2009 Merge copy
The Interfaces: Deriving and interpreting omitted structures, Schwabe, Kerstin and Susanne Winkler (eds.), pp. 155–175 | ArticleLanguage Types and Generative Grammar: a Review of Some Consequences of the Universal VO Hypothesis Rightward Movement, Beermann, Dorothee, David LeBlanc and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 331–356 | Article