Bibi E. Janssen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bibi E. Janssen plays a role.
Production, comprehension and repetition of accusative case by monolingual Russian and bilingual Russian-Dutch and Russian-Hebrew-speaking children Psycholinguistic Approaches to Production and Comprehension in Bilingual Adults and Children, Fernandez, Leigh B., Kalliopi Katsika, Maialen Iraola Azpiroz and Shanley E.M. Allen (eds.), pp. 237–267 | Chapter
2021 The present study explores the acquisition of the Russian accusative [acc] case inflections in two groups of bilingual children (Russian-Dutch and Russian-Hebrew) who acquire Russian as their Heritage Language (HL) and two groups of monolingual Russian-speaking children within the Unified… read more
The acquisition of relative clauses in Russian and Polish in monolingual and bilingual children Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:2, pp. 216–248 | Article
2020 In this paper, we present the results on (re)production of relative clauses in a sentence repetition task by Russian and Polish monolingual and bilingual children (3;6–6;6 years). Russian and Polish both involve overt case marking in the relative clause formation, but the case marking in Polish… read more
Production, comprehension and repetition of accusative case by monolingual Russian and bilingual Russian-Dutch and Russian-Hebrew-speaking children Psycholinguistic approaches to production and comprehension in bilingual adults and children, Azpiroz, Maialen Iraola, Shanley E.M. Allen, Kalliopi Katsika and Leigh B. Fernandez (eds.), pp. 736–765 | Article
2019 The present study explores the acquisition of the Russian accusative [acc] case inflections in two groups of bilingual children (Russian-Dutch and Russian-Hebrew) who acquire Russian as their Heritage Language (HL) and two groups of monolingual Russian-speaking children within the Unified… read more