Kurt Feyaerts
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kurt Feyaerts plays a role.
Affiliation in interpreter-mediated therapeutic talk: On the relationship between gaze and head nods Interpreting 21:2, pp. 220–244 | Article
2019 The aim of this article is to explore how affiliation (Stivers 2008) with the patient is displayed and interactionally achieved in the context of an interpreter-mediated therapeutic dialogue. More specifically, we focus on the interplay between affiliative listener responses – especially head… read more
On the role of gaze in the organization of turn-taking and sequence organization in interpreter-mediated dialogue Language and Dialogue 8:3, pp. 439–467 | Article
2018 This paper contributes to the growing line of research that takes a multimodal approach in the study of interpreter-mediated dialogues. Drawing on insights from Conversation Analysis and multimodal analysis, we investigate how extended multi-unit turns unfold with interventions of an interpreter… read more
Chapter 12. Displaying recipiency in an interpreter-mediated dialogue: An eye-tracking study Eye-tracking in Interaction: Studies on the role of eye gaze in dialogue, Brône, Geert and Bert Oben (eds.), pp. 301–322 | Chapter
2018 This chapter discusses the findings of a study that used mobile eye-tracking in the context of a naturally occurring interpreter-mediated dialogue. This type of interaction is particularly interesting for the study of gaze and other (non-) verbal resources, as the primary interlocutors have no or… read more
Tackling the complexity of spontaneous humorous interaction: An integrated classroom-modeled corpus approach Irony and Humor: From pragmatics to discourse, Ruiz-Gurillo, Leonor and M. Belén Alvarado Ortega (eds.), pp. 243–268 | Article
2013 This contribution focuses on three major aspects of the recently developed Corpus Interactional Humor (Corinth). First, it describes the socio-cognitive account of meaning, against the background of which the corpus is designed. Language use is basically a dynamic intersubjective process, in which… read more
Headlines and cartoons in the economic press: Double grounding as a discourse supportive strategy Language, Communication and the Economy, Erreygers, Guido and Geert Jacobs (eds.), pp. 73–99 | Article
2005 Metonymic Hierarchies: The Conceptualization of Stupidity in German Idiomatic Expressions Metonymy in Language and Thought, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 309–332 | Article