Catherine Emmott
List of John Benjamins publications for which Catherine Emmott plays a role.
Chapter 4. Immersed in imagined landscapes: Contextual frames and metalepsis in representing virtual travel in Elspeth Davie’s “A map of the world” The Stylistics of Landscapes, the Landscapes of Stylistics, Douthwaite, John, Daniela Francesca Virdis and Elisabetta Zurru (eds.), pp. 45–60 | Chapter
2017 Elspeth Davie’s short story “A map of the world” provides examples of a character apparently crossing narrative borders, termed “metalepsis” (Genette 1980, 1988). The character is unable to travel in actuality due to caring for her bed-ridden mother, but her imagination allows for virtual travel,… read more
Chapter 12. Interpreting antecedentless pronouns in narrative texts: Knowledge types, world building and inference-making The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns, Gardelle, Laure and Sandrine Sorlin (eds.), pp. 241–258 | Article
2015 Antecedentless pronouns provide a key to understanding the cognitive processing of texts, since, in the absence of antecedents, interpretation of these pronouns relies on inference-making based on general knowledge and/or text-specific knowledge (e.g. Yule 1982; Sanford et al. 1983; Gerrig 1986;… read more
“Split selves” in fiction and in medical “life stories”: Cognitive linguistic theory and narrative practice Cognitive Stylistics: Language and cognition in text analysis, Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper (eds.), pp. 153–181 | Chapter
2002 5. Responding to style: Cohesion, foregrounding and thematic interpretation Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies, Louwerse, Max M. and Willie van Peer (eds.), pp. 91–117 | Chapter
2002 Embodied in a Constructed World: Narrative processing, knowledge representation, and indirect anaphora Discourse Studies in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers from the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997, Van Hoek, Karen, Andrej A. Kibrik and Leo Noordman (eds.), pp. 5–28 | Article