Catherine Emmott

List of John Benjamins publications for which Catherine Emmott plays a role.


Elspeth Davie’s short story “A map of the world” provides examples of a character apparently crossing narrative borders, termed “metalepsis” (Genette 1980, 1988). The character is unable to travel in actuality due to caring for her bed-ridden mother, but her imagination allows for virtual travel,… read more
Antecedentless pronouns provide a key to understanding the cognitive processing of texts, since, in the absence of antecedents, interpretation of these pronouns relies on inference-making based on general knowledge and/or text-specific knowledge (e.g. Yule 1982; Sanford et al. 1983; Gerrig 1986;… read more
Emmott, Catherine 2002 5. Responding to style: Cohesion, foregrounding and thematic interpretationThematics: Interdisciplinary Studies, Louwerse, Max M. and Willie van Peer (eds.), pp. 91–117 | Chapter