Marcel Bax

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marcel Bax plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Pragmatics

Understanding Historical (Im)Politeness

Edited by Marcel Bax and Dániel Z. Kádár

Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics 12:1/2 (2011) vi, 313 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics

Ritual Language Behaviour

Edited by Marcel Bax

Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics 4:2 (2003) iv, 185 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics

Reflections on Language and Language Learning: In honour of Arthur van Essen

Edited by Marcel Bax and Jan-Wouter Zwart

[Not in series, 109] 2001. xxxiv, 366 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching
This paper is intended as an overall template of the evolution of (im)politeness. It elucidates how (linguistic) rapport management originated and developed over time, and tries to come to grips with (some of) the sociocultural factors behind such changes. Taking its point of departure in human… read more
This paper is intended as an overall template of the evolution of (im)politeness. It elucidates how (linguistic) rapport management originated and developed over time, and tries to come to grips with (some of) the sociocultural factors behind such changes. Taking its point of departure in human… read more
Bax, Marcel and Dániel Z. Kádár 2011 The historical understanding of historical (im)politeness: Introductory notesUnderstanding Historical (Im)Politeness, Bax, Marcel and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Bax, Marcel and Nanne Streekstra 2003 Civil rites: Ritual politeness in early modern Dutch letter-writingRitual Language Behaviour, Bax, Marcel (ed.), pp. 303–325 | Article
We shall be concerned with a mode of epistolary politeness that marks a special category of ritual language use. Taking examples from the correspondence between Hooft and Huygens, two notable representatives of the Dutch Republic’s cultural elite, we will establish, first, that the notions and… read more
The indirect conveyance of functional meaning is a conspicuous and thoroughly studied characteristic of contemporary linguistic practice. Even so, in addition to seeming “something natural” indirect language use appears to be a universally spread phenomenon, and both factors may have caused… read more
In this article, I am concerned with the historical dimension of frame analysis, aiming at an appraisal of the general significance of this method if applied to historical linguistic data, in particular instances of oral or written discourse transmitted from the past. In order to demonstrate how… read more