Cristiano Castelfranchi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristiano Castelfranchi plays a role.

Castelfranchi, Cristiano 2016 Pretense as deceptive behavioral communicationNew Theoretical Insights into Untruthfulness, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 16–52 | Article
Our claim in this paper is that a theory of “pretense” (in all its crucial uses in human society and cognition) can be built only if it is grounded on the general theory of “behavioral implicit communication” (BIC), which is not to be confused with non-verbal communication (with distinct notions… read more
Mind-reading is adapted for social interaction (e.g. coordination, cooperation, exchange), and, in particular, for adoption of beliefs and goals from others, and for influencing, manipulating, persuading them; that is, changing the other mind, beliefs and goals, in order to change their behavior.… read more
Miceli, Maria and Cristiano Castelfranchi 2012 Coherence of conduct and the self-imageConsciousness in Interaction: The role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness, Paglieri, Fabio (ed.), pp. 151–178 | Article
The need for coherence of conduct has been viewed, more or less implicitly, as one of the fundamental human needs, in association with one’s social image and self-image. Actually it appears to accomplish a variety of possible functions: identity negotiation, as a condition for smooth and… read more
Castelfranchi, Cristiano and Marco Guerini 2007 Is it a promise or a threat?Pragmatics & Cognition 15:2, pp. 277–311 | Article
In this paper we analyse the concepts of Promise (P) and Threat (T) and their inter-relations. Our objective is to study the uses of P and T in persuasion and to shed some light on related concepts such as requesting, ordering, giving prizes, punishing, etc. First, we show that some Ps and Ts are… read more
Miceli, Maria and Cristiano Castelfranchi 2000 9. The Role of Evaluation in Cognition and Social InteractionHuman Cognition and Social Agent Technology, Dautenhahn, Kerstin (ed.), pp. 225 ff. | Chapter
Castelfranchi, Cristiano and Isabella Poggi 1987 13. Communication: Beyond the cognitive approach and speech act theoryThe Pragmatic Perspective: Selected papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference, Verschueren, Jef and Marcella Bertuccelli Papi (eds.), pp. 239 ff. | Chapter
Parisi, Domenico and Cristiano Castelfranchi 1981 A goal analysis of some pragmatic aspects of languagePossibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8–14, 1979, Parret, Herman, Marina Sbisà and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 551 ff. | Article
Poggi, Isabella, Cristiano Castelfranchi and Domenico Parisi 1981 Answers, replies and reactionsPossibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8–14, 1979, Parret, Herman, Marina Sbisà and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 569 ff. | Article
Vincent Marrelli, Jocelyne and Cristiano Castelfranchi 1981 On the art of deception: How to lie while saying the truthPossibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8–14, 1979, Parret, Herman, Marina Sbisà and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 749 ff. | Article