Travis G. Bradley

List of John Benjamins publications for which Travis G. Bradley plays a role.

Judeo-Spanish (JS) presents a number of phonological processes involving secondary articulations. This paper establishes novel descriptive generalizations based on labialization and palatalization phenomena across different JS dialects. I show how these generalizations are part of a broader… read more
This paper surveys the distribution of mid front vowels before rhotics in five different varieties of Ibero-Romance and identifies typological patterns of vowel lowering. An analysis is proposed in Optimality Theory that employs a fixed ranking of phonetically grounded markedness constraints… read more
Spanish prevocalic glides belong to the syllable nucleus except when no less sonorous segment is available to serve as onset (Harris 1983, Harris & Kaisse 1999, Hualde 1989, 1991). Phonological innovations in a particular group of Judeo-Spanish dialects point to a novel generalization regarding the… read more
Blevins & Garrett (1998, 2004) argue that rhotic metathesis occurs when listeners reinterpret an elongated [low F3] feature in a non-historical position. However, not all cases are amenable to this account, as no single phonetic property unifies the class of rhotics. We examine two cases involving… read more
Bradley, Travis G. 2006 Spanish complex onsets and the phonetics–phonology interfaceOptimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, Martínez-Gil, Fernando and Sonia Colina (eds.), pp. 15–38 | Article
This study analyzes cross-dialectal phonetic variation in Spanish complex onsets in light of recent work on the phonetics–phonology interface. Two basic patterns of obstruent-rhotic cluster realization, vowel intrusion and coarticulation-induced rhotic assibilation, receive a phonetically-motivated… read more
Bradley, Travis G. and Ann Marie Delforge 2006 Systemic Contrast and the Diachrony of Spanish Sibilant VoicingHistorical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and perspectives, Gess, Randall and Deborah Arteaga (eds.), pp. 19 ff. | Article