Kristin Davidse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kristin Davidse plays a role.


On mood and speech function and the ‘why’ of text analysis: In honour of Margaret Berry

Edited by Lise Fontaine, Miriam Taverniers and Kristin Davidse

Special issue of Functions of Language 26:1 (2019) vi, 135 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics

The Structure of the English NP: Synchronic and diachronic explorations

Edited by Kristin Davidse

Special issue of Functions of Language 23:1 (2016) v, 147 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics

Corpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns

Edited by Kristin Davidse, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 63] 2014. viii, 358 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Grammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections

Edited by Kristin Davidse, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 130] 2012. viii, 342 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Formal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research

Edited by An Van linden, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse

[Typological Studies in Language, 94] 2010. viii, 344 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Functional Linguistics and Contrastive Description

Edited by Kristin Davidse and Liesbet Heyvaert

Special issue of Languages in Contrast 4:1 (2004) 199 pp.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | Functional linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

The Nominative & Accusative and their counterparts

Edited by Kristin Davidse and Béatrice Lamiroy

Subjects Functional linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Aspects of “Interpersonal Grammar”: Grounding, modality, and evidentiality

Edited by Kristin Davidse and Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen

Special issue of Functions of Language 8:2 (2001) iv, 154 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Pragmatics

Reconnecting Language: Morphology and Syntax in Functional Perspectives

Edited by Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Kristin Davidse and Dirk Noël

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 154] 1997. xiii, 339 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Morphology | Syntax
The aim of this study is to delineate the functional category of English secondary determiners more precisely than in current reference grammars and in my own previous work. To provide a principled basis for a functional typology of secondary determiners, I firstly develop a typology of primary… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Lise Fontaine and Miriam Taverniers 2019 IntroductionOn mood and speech function and the ‘why’ of text analysis: In honour of Margaret Berry, Fontaine, Lise, Miriam Taverniers and Kristin Davidse (eds.), pp. 5–12 | Introduction
Kimps, Ditte, Kristin Davidse and Gerard O’Grady 2019 English tag questions eliciting knowledge or action: A comparison of the speech function and exchange structure modelsOn mood and speech function and the ‘why’ of text analysis: In honour of Margaret Berry, Fontaine, Lise, Miriam Taverniers and Kristin Davidse (eds.), pp. 86–111 | Article
Davidse, Kristin 2018 Chapter 2. Complex NPs with third-order entity clauses: Towards a grammatical description and semantic typologyThe Noun Phrase in English: Past and present, Ho-Cheong Leung, Alex and Wim van der Wurff (eds.), pp. 11–46 | Chapter
This article focuses on complex NP constructions of the form ‘determiner (+ adjective) + noun (+ complementiser) + clause’, which refer to third-order entities, defined by Lyons (1977: 443) as “such abstract entities as propositions, which are outside time and space”. Their functional structure has… read more
Davidse, Kristin 2018 A tribute to M. A. K. Halliday (1925–2018)Functions of Language 25:2, pp. 205–228 | Obituary
Pericchi, Natalia, Bert Cornillie, Freek Van de Velde y Kristin Davidse 2017 La duplicación de clíticos en español como estrategia de marcación inversaRevue Romane 52:2, pp. 190–206 | Article
Clitic doubling is the phenomenon in which, in a clause, a NP or a stressed pronoun and a clitic pronoun refer to the same entity and have the same syntactic function. Previous studies on this phenomenon in Spanish observe that it takes place when the elements involved have features such as… read more
Davidse, Kristin 2016 IntroductionThe Structure of the English NP: Synchronic and diachronic explorations, Davidse, Kristin (ed.), pp. 9–16 | Article
Davidse, Kristin and Ditte Kimps 2016 Specificational there-clefts: Functional structure and information structureThe dynamicity of communication below, around and above the clause, Clarke, Ben and Jorge Arús-Hita (eds.), pp. 115–142 | Article
In this article we present functional-structural and information structure arguments for recognizing specificational there-clefts, i.e. clefts that specify a value for a variable. We distinguish two types which hinge on whether the matrix is a listing or a canonical existential. Listing… read more
Gentens, Caroline, Ditte Kimps, Kristin Davidse, Gilles Jacobs, An Van linden and Lieselotte Brems 2016 Mirativity and rhetorical structure: The development and prosody of disjunct and anaphoric adverbials with ‘no’ wonderOutside the Clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents, Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann (eds.), pp. 125–156 | Article
This paper studies from a synchronic-diachronic perspective the formal and semantic-discursive properties of adverbial expressions with a negative quantifier + wonder (henceforth ‘no’ wonder). They are used as mirative qualifiers which assess a proposition as ‘not surprising’, typically motivated… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Liesbet Heyvaert and An Laffut 2015 Conjunctive structures in learner English: A qualitative analysis of hortatory expositionsEnglish Text Construction 8:2, pp. 236–264 | Article
In this paper we address the issue of conjunction use in learner writing from a text-structuring angle, focusing on hortatory expositions by NNS learners and NS professionals. The learners are advanced Dutch-speaking students of English, while the professionals are journalists writing for British… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Simon De Wolf and An Van linden 2015 The development of the modal and discourse marker uses of (there/it is/I have) no doubtJournal of Historical Pragmatics 16:1, pp. 25–58 | Article
In this paper, we reconstruct the emergence of the modal and discourse marker uses of adverbial and clausal expressions with no doubt. Their history contrasts in a number of surprising ways with typical grammaticalization hypotheses. Existential expressions with no doubt emerged directly with… read more
Rompaey, Tinne Van, Kristin Davidse and Peter Petré 2015 Lexicalization and grammaticalization: The case of the verbo-nominal expressions be on the/one’s way/roadFunctions of Language 22:2, pp. 232–263 | Article
In this article we show that verbo-nominal expressions be on the/one’s way/road emerged as lexical composite predicates in Old English. These templates came to be elaborated by directional adjuncts, adjuncts describing states or events, and purpose clauses. In Late Modern English, the structure… read more
Davidse, Kristin 2014 Nominal reference and the dynamics of discourse: A cognitive-functional approachThe Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Applications and implications, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez-García and Angela Downing (eds.), pp. 189–208 | Article
In this paper I will address what appear to be some important gaps in the traditional approach to nominal reference as a cohesion-creating resource: (i) ignoring of relations other than co-referentiality, such as those expressed by quantifying determiners, (ii) neglect of the contribution made by… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Lieven Vandelanotte, Caroline Gentens and Lobke Ghesquière 2014 Interrogating corpora to describe grammatical patternsCorpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns, Davidse, Kristin, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
Kimps, Ditte, Kristin Davidse and Bert Cornillie 2014 The speech functions of tag questions 
and their properties. A comparison of their distribution in COLT and LLCCorpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns, Davidse, Kristin, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 321–350 | Article
This article proposes a classification of speech functions of variable tag questions in British English conversations. Based on intonational, conversational and formal criteria the analysis shows that tag questions can not only function as questions and statements, but also as responses, commands… read more
Van Rompae, Tine and Kristin Davidse 2014 The different developments of progressive aspect markers be in the middle/midst of and be in the process of V-ing: mechanisms of changeGrammaticalization – Theory and Data, Hancil, Sylvie and Ekkehard König (eds.), pp. 181–202 | Article
In this case study, we reconstruct the grammaticalization paths of middle, midst and process, which led to a set of progressive aspect markers (PAMs) in Present-day English. The three PAMs developed from two different source structures, viz. complex prepositions in the middle/midst of + NP and… read more
Breban, Tine, Jeroen Vanderbiesen, Kristin Davidse, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans 2012 Introduction: New reflections on the sources, outcomes, defining features and motivations of grammaticalizationGrammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections, Davidse, Kristin, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans (eds.), pp. 1–36 | Article
Petré, Peter, Kristin Davidse and Tinne Van Rompaey 2012 On ways of being on the way: Lexical, complex preposition and aspect marker usesInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17:2, pp. 229–258 | Article
This article presents a case study of a set of constructions containing the related way-nouns road, way, track and route, exemplified by (i) the farm road to the house, (ii) A senior Soviet official is on his way to the Iraqi capital, (iii) spies Burgess and Maclean escaped from Britain en route to… read more
Davidse, Kristin, An Van linden and Jean-Christophe Verstraete 2010 IntroductionFormal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research, Van linden, An, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Davidse, Kristin and Kathleen Rymen 2008 Cognate and locative complements: Their effect on (a)telicity and their semantic relation to the verb25th Lexis and Grammar Conference, Mirto, Ignazio Mauro (ed.), pp. 256–272 | Article
Davidse, Kristin and Nele Olivier 2008 English middles with mental and verbal predicates: Towards a typologyEnglish Text Construction 1:2, pp. 169–197 | Article
In this article we investigate whether verbs of perception, affection, cognition and verbalization can be construed in the English middle voice against (at least partial) claims to the contrary such as Fellbaum (1986), Keyser and Roeper (1984), Quirk et al. (1985). We view the middle as a modal… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Lieselotte Brems and Liesbeth De Smedt 2008 Type noun uses in the English NP: A case of right to left layeringInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13:2, pp. 139–168 | Article
This article addresses the relatively neglected question of identifying and characterizing the various uses of sort, kind and type in the English NP. It does so on the basis of close analysis of a set of data extracted from the Times subcorpus of the COBUILD corpus. The proposed description refers… read more
Vandewinkel, Sigi and Kristin Davidse 2008 The interlocking paths of development to emphasizer adjective pureJournal of Historical Pragmatics 9:2, pp. 255–287 | Article
This study deals with the emphasizing use of adjective pure, as in pure heaven, pure unbridled hell, which heightens the semantic specifications of the following nominal description. On the basis of close analysis of synchronic and diachronic data, it is argued that the peculiarities of Present-day… read more
Rymen, Kathleen and Kristin Davidse 2007 Do cognate and circumstantial complements of intransitive verbs form one ‘Range’? A corpus-based discussionFunctional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Angela Downing, Butler, Christopher S., Raquel Hidalgo Downing and Julia Lavid-López (eds.), pp. 129–148 | Article
In this article we examine the question whether cognate complements (as in dance the tango) and circumstantial complements (as in climb stairs) can be regarded as expressing the same semantic role. Halliday has proposed that they do: in his view they both delimit the ‘extent’, or ‘Range’, of the… read more
Davidse, Kristin and Liesbet Heyvaert 2004 IntroductionFunctional Linguistics and Contrastive Description, Davidse, Kristin and Liesbet Heyvaert (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Miscellaneous
Davidse, Kristin and Anneke Noppen 2003 FSP and the grammar of the weather in EnglishLanguage and Function: To the memory of Jan Firbas, Hladký, Josef (ed.), pp. 71–88 | Article
In this article, we set out to describe the general ‘lexicogrammar’ of English locative constructions within a broadly neo-Firthian theoretical frame. First, we look at the question of how the verb and its participants — nominal and prepositional — are structurally integrated with each other. To… read more
Davidse, Kristin and Béatrice Lamiroy 2002 1. IntroductionThe Nominative & Accusative and their counterparts, Davidse, Kristin and Béatrice Lamiroy (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
Davidse, Kristin 2001 IntroductionAspects of “Interpersonal Grammar”: Grounding, modality, and evidentiality, Davidse, Kristin and Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen (eds.), pp. 175–181 | Miscellaneous
Davidse, Kristin and Brian D. Joseph 2000 Jan Firbas 1921-2000Functions of Language 7:2, pp. 273–277 | Obituary
Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie, Kristin Davidse and Bart Defrancq 1998 IntroductionLanguages in Contrast 1:2, pp. v–xi | Miscellaneous
Davidse, Kristin 1996 Ditransitivity and PossessionFunctional Descriptions: Theory in practice, Hasan, Ruqaiya †, Carmel Cloran and David Butt (eds.), pp. 85–144 | Article
Davidse, Kristin 1996 4.Functional dimensions of the dative in EnglishThe Dative: Volume 1: Descriptive studies, Van Belle, William and Willy Van Langendonck (eds.), pp. 289 ff. | Chapter
Davidse, Kristin 1995 Anna Fuchs. Remarks on DeixisFunctions of Language 2:1, pp. 125–126 | To be specified
Davidse, Kristin 1987 M.A.K. Halliday’s functional grammar and the Prague schoolFunctionalism in Linguistics, Dirven, René † and Vilém Fried (eds.), pp. 39–80 | Article