Clara Molina

List of John Benjamins publications for which Clara Molina plays a role.


Herrero-Zorita, Carlos, Clara Molina and Antonio Moreno-Sandoval 2015 Medical term formation in English and Japanese: A study of the suffixes gram, graph and -graphyReview of Cognitive Linguistics 13:1, pp. 81–105 | Article
This paper presents a translingual study of medical lexicology in English and Japanese that compares the meaning and usage of three suffixes often found in medical discourse: -gram, -graph and -graphy. By means of an in-depth observation of frequency counts and semantic profiling in actual usage,… read more
Molina, Clara 2008 Historical dictionary definitions revisited from a prototype theoretical standpointAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 6, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 1–22 | Article
Historical dictionaries have not yet incorporated prototype theoretical principles, from which singular enhancements might be obtained in historical lexicography. Revisiting diachronic definitions from a prototypical standpoint underlines how salience-based definitions comply more accurately with… read more