Elena Tribushinina

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Tribushinina plays a role.


Linguistics in the Netherlands 2020

Edited by Elena Tribushinina and Mark Dingemanse

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 37] 2020. iii, 179 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics

Linguistics in the Netherlands 2019

Edited by Janine Berns and Elena Tribushinina

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 36] 2019. iv, 207 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Tribushinina, Elena, Angela Radic and Gordana Hržica 2024 Bilingual effects in foreign language learningLinguistics in the Netherlands 2024, Bril, Marco and Kristel Doreleijers (eds.), pp. 208–224 | Article
This study tests the hypothesis that bilingualism is associated with advantages in learning foreign languages. We compare oral (narrative) English skills of 15 Dutch monolinguals (aged 10–12) and 15 age-matched bilinguals acquiring Dutch and Serbian/Croatian. We also test the hypothesis that… read more
Tribushinina, Elena, Mila Irmawati and Pim Mak 2022 Macrostructure in the narratives of Indonesian-Dutch bilinguals: Relation to age and exposureStorytelling: How organization of narratives is (not) affected by linguistic skills, Bohnacker, Ute and Natalia Gagarina (eds.), pp. 540–570 | Article
There is no agreement regarding the relationship between narrative abilities in the two languages of a bilingual child. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that such cross-language relationships depend on age and language exposure by studying the narrative skills of 32 Indonesian-Dutch… read more
Tribushinina, Elena, Julia Lomako, Natalia Gagarina, Ekaterina Abrosova and Pim Mak 2020 Processing of pronoun gender by Dutch-Russian simultaneous bilinguals: Evidence from eye-trackingTypical and Impaired Processing in Morphosyntax, Torrens, Vincent (ed.), pp. 153–174 | Chapter
This paper investigates the processing of pronoun gender by bilingual children. Prior research shows that Dutch–Russian bilinguals below age 7 often make gender agreement errors in Russian anaphoric pronouns, whereas monolingual children are target-like by age 4. This paper aims to establish… read more
Tribushinina, Elena 2015 Acquisition of adjectival degree markers by Dutch- and Russian-speaking children: The richer the faster?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2015, Köhnlein, Björn and Jenny Audring (eds.), pp. 155–169 | Article
Prior research shows that morphological richness facilitates acquisition and that paradigm size is more important than uniqueness of form-function pairings (uniformity). The present paper takes a novel approach to uniformity, not restricted to inflectional morphology, and aims to establish whether… read more
Tribushinina, Elena, Huub van den Bergh, Dorit Ravid, Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Marianne Kilani-Schoch, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Iris Leibovitch-Cohen, Sabine Laaha, Bracha Nir, Wolfgang U. Dressler and Steven Gillis 2014 Development of adjective frequencies across semantic classes: A growth curve analysis of child speech and child-directed speechLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 5:2, pp. 185–226 | Article
This paper is a longitudinal investigation of adjective use by children aged 1;8−2;8, speaking Dutch, German, French, Hebrew, and Turkish, and by their caregivers. Each adjective token in transcripts of spontaneous speech was coded for semantic class. The development of adjective use in each… read more
Tribushinina, Elena 2011 Conceptual motivation in adjectival semantics: Cognitive reference points revisitedMotivation in Grammar and the Lexicon, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 215–232 | Article
Reference-point reasoning is a pervasive cognitive phenomenon intrinsic to many domains of human activity. However, very little is known about linguistic aspects of this phenomenon. This paper elaborates the reference-point model by applying it to lexical semantics and, more specifically, to the… read more
It is often assumed that relative adjectives (e.g. ‘long’, ‘old’) evoke unbounded scales and are, therefore, incompatible with maximizers (e.g. ‘completely’) and approximators (e.g. ‘almost’). In contrast, absolute adjectives which are felicitous with maximizers (e.g. ‘completely full’) and… read more
Tribushinina, Elena 2011 Piecemeal acquisition of boundedness: Degree modifiers of adjectives in Dutch child languageCognitive and Empirical Pragmatics: Issues and perspectives, Bochner, Gregory, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi (eds.), pp. 80–103 | Article
Recent semantic studies show that adjectives differ in terms of the scalar structures associated with them, which has implications for patterns of degree modification. For example, relative adjectives in Dutch are associated with unbounded (open) scales and are, therefore, incompatible with… read more
In this study, I have tested the assumption that in child language acquisition dimensional adjectives are prototype-free by looking at the acquisition of these words by children. The results of longitudinal data from English and Dutch show that the predictions of the non-prototypicality hypothesis… read more