Stuart Davis

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stuart Davis plays a role.

Book series


Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Theoretical linguistics
After overviewing some unusual features of Faifi Arabic, the present study investigates the distribution of emphatic fricatives in a subvariety of Faifi Arabic (FA) focusing on their unique realizations. First, we observe that the emphatic /sˤ/, which is cognate with Classical Arabic /sˤ/, is… read more
'ima¯la is a term used to describe the raising of the low vowel /a/ to [e] or [i], a feature of several Arabic dialects, including Levantine varieties where conditional raising occurs. This paper discusses various issues related to final 'ima¯la focusing on a Palestinian dialect. Final 'ima¯la… read more
The main goal of this paper is to make known an unusual, if not unique, morphological augmentative found in one variety of northern Najdi (Saudi) Arabic, specifically the Ḥā’ili variety as mainly spoken by members of the Shammar tribe. A brief description of the pattern can be found in Assuwaida… read more
A contentious issue in Arabic linguistics concerns whether Arabic morphology is root-based or stem-/word-based. In a root-based approach, derivation depends on the consonantal root, which is understood as constituting a morpheme. This contrasts with the stem-/word-based view where derivation is… read more
Detailed studies of diminutives in Arabic dialects are uncommon. In this article, after discussing the diminutive in Classical Arabic, Coastal Dhofari Arabic, and Moroccan Arabic, we present a detailed description of diminutives in Asābʽā Arabic, a rural Libyan dialect. We note two diminutive… read more
The comparative in Arabic appears to be a quintessential case of templatic morphology. In most Arabic dialects, the comparative seems to be formed by taking the base adjective and matching it to the templatic shape aCCaC. For example, [kibi:r] ‘big’ has the comparative [akbar]. However, when the… read more
Davis, Stuart and Usama Soltan 2016 IntroductionPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVII: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Bloomington, Indiana, 2013, Davis, Stuart and Usama Soltan (eds.), pp. xi–xvii | Article
Elhija Mahajna, Dua'a Abu and Stuart Davis 2016 On the status of derived affricates in Arabic dialectsPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVIII: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Gainesville, Florida, 2014, Haddad, Youssef A. and Eric Potsdam (eds.), pp. 89–104 | Article
Arabic dialects vary as to the presence of affricates in their phonemic inventory. Many dialects, such as San’ani Arabic, have only the voiced palato-alveolar affricate /d͡ʒ/; others, like Baghdadi have two (/d͡ʒ/ and /t͡ʃ/), and still other dialects, such as Cairene, lack affricate phonemes… read more
Arabic dialects are characterized by the occurrence of geminate consonants in word-medial and word-final position. This article relates the patterning of Arabic geminates to the on-going controversy in phonological theory concerning the representation of geminate consonants. Two views are… read more
Green, Christopher R. and Stuart Davis 2014 Superadditivity and limitations on syllable complexity in Bambara wordsPerspectives on Phonological Theory and Development: In honor of Daniel A. Dinnsen, Farris-Trimble, Ashley W. and Jessica A. Barlow (eds.), pp. 223–248 | Article
This paper explores superadditivity effects in natural language by considering three interrelated phenomena in Colloquial Bambara (CB). The premise of superadditivity is that although marked structures are accommodated in a system, particular structures cannot co-occur in a given domain. This… read more
This study presents data on the first language development of final consonant cluster acquisition in Cairene Arabic. We compare the production of final consonant clusters of two siblings (an older brother and a younger sister) acquiring Cairene Arabic in a monolingual setting when both were 2… read more
Botne, Robert and Stuart Davis 2000 Language games, segment imposition, and the syllableStudies in Language 24:2, pp. 319–344 | Article
Language games in which the phonological forms of words are systematically altered have been well-studied from a typological perspective. The two most common types of language games entail the transposition of phonological constituents (usually syllables) and the addition of phonemes at one or more… read more
Zawaydeh, Bushra Adnan and Stuart Davis 1999 Hypocoristic Formation in Ammani-Jordanian ArabicPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Benmamoun, Elabbas (ed.), pp. 113 ff. | Article
Tsujimura, Natsuko and Stuart Davis 1987 The Accent of Long Nominal Compounding in Tokyo JapaneseStudies in Language 11:1, pp. 199–206 | Miscellaneous