Kai Wörner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kai Wörner plays a role.


Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis

Edited by Thomas Schmidt and Kai Wörner

[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 14] 2012. xiii, 407 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Multilingualism
Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner 2012 IntroductionMultilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner (eds.), pp. xi–xiii | Miscellaneous
This paper presents the metadata model of the EXMARaLDA system and its implementations. It will first take a look on existing metadata schemes for transcriptions of spoken language as well as written texts and emphasize on their advantages and disadvantages. The paper will justify the decisions… read more
This paper presents EXMARaLDA, a system for the computer-assisted creation and analysis of spoken language corpora. The first part contains some general observations about technological and methodological requirements for doing corpus-based pragmatics. The second part explains the system’s… read more
Baumgarten, Nicole, Annette Herkenrath, Thomas Schmidt, Kai Wörner and Ludger Zeevaert 2007 Studying connectivity with the help of computer-readable corpora: Some exemplary analyses from modern and historical, written and spoken corporaConnectivity in Grammar and Discourse, Rehbein, Jochen, Christiane Hohenstein and Lukas Pietsch (eds.), pp. 259–289 | Article
This paper discusses methodological aspects of the use of electronic language corpora for the study of connectivity. We demonstrate how a corpus-based approach was used to investigate functional characteristics of coordinating elements in sentence- or utterance-initial position across different… read more