Don Ringe

List of John Benjamins publications for which Don Ringe plays a role.


ISSN 0108-8416 | E-ISSN 2212-9715
Ringe, Don and Charles Yang 2022 Chapter 4. The threshold of productivity and the ‘irregularization’ of verbs in Early Modern EnglishEnglish Historical Linguistics: Change in structure and meaning, Los, Bettelou, Claire Cowie, Patrick Honeybone and Graeme Trousdale (eds.), pp. 91–112 | Chapter
This paper tests whether Yang’s Tolerance Principle (TP) is useful in explaining one type of morphological change in the history of English. We suggest that some, but not all, innovative non-default past tenses that appear in the written record between 1500 and 1700 can be explained by the TP… read more
Barbançon, François, Steven N. Evans, Luay Nakhleh, Don Ringe and Tandy Warnow 2013 An experimental study comparing linguistic phylogenetic reconstruction methodsDiachronica 30:2, pp. 143–170 | Article
This paper reports a simulation study comparing and evaluating the performance of different linguistic phylogeny reconstruction methods on model datasets for which the true trees are known. UPGMA performed least well, then (in ascending order) neighbor joining, the method of Gray & Atkinson and… read more
Ringe, Don 2013 What is Old English?Unity and Diversity in West Germanic, II, Nielsen, Hans Frede † and Patrick V. Stiles (eds.), pp. 127–140 | Article

Though Old English (OE) was never completely uniform, it was demonstrably the language of a single speech community (in a broad sense) until about the 8th century CE. It therefore makes sense to treat OE as a single language for philological purposes.

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Kroch, Anthony S., Ann Taylor and Don Ringe 2000 The Middle English Verb-Second Constraint: A case study in language contact and language changeTextual Parameters in Older Languages, Herring, Susan C., Pieter van Reenen and Lene Schøsler (eds.), pp. 353–392 | Article
Taylor, Ann, Tandy Warnow and Don Ringe 2000 Character-Based Reconstruction of a Linguistic CladogramHistorical Linguistics 1995: Volume 1: General issues and non-Germanic Languages., Smith, John Charles and Delia Bentley (eds.), pp. 393–408 | Article
Ringe, Don 1998 A Probabilistic Evaluation of Indo-UralicNostratic: Sifting the Evidence, Salmons, Joseph C. and Brian D. Joseph (eds.), pp. 153–198 | Article