Sali A. Tagliamonte

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sali A. Tagliamonte plays a role.


Book series

Bowern, Claire, William Labov, Sali A. Tagliamonte, Nigel Vincent, Donald A. Ringe, Jr. and Joseph C. Salmons 2023 Diachrony and Diachronica: 40@40Diachronica 40:4, pp. 557–568 | Editorial
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2022 He come out and give me a beer but he never seen the bear: Vernacular preterites in Ontario dialectsEnglish World-Wide 43:3, pp. 267–296 | Article
In this study, we examine variation in English strong verb preterite/participle morphology in four frequent verbs: came/come, saw/seen, gave/give and did/done, using data from more than a dozen Ontario communities, socially stratified by age, sex, occupation and education, representing a… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2022 Dialects as a mirror of historical trajectories: Canadian English across Ontario (North America)Earlier North American Englishes, Kytö, Merja and Lucia Siebers (eds.), pp. 231–258 | Chapter
A multi-year project on dialects in Ontario, Canada demonstrates how synchronic variation mirrors historical trajectories of change. Three linguistic features are examined, come vs. came, adjectives of smallness and 3rd person male referents. Using quantitative methods and a comparative… read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2021 Urban-rural dimensions to variable -body/-one : The case of Ontario, CanadaUrban Matters: Current approaches in variationist sociolinguistics, Ziegler, Arne, Stefanie Edler and Georg Oberdorfer (eds.), pp. 141–158 | Chapter
English pronominal quantifier doublets (some/any/every/no- + -body/-one) have been variable since Middle English. Previous research (D’Arcy et al. 2013; see also Biber et al. 1999) shows varying patterns of -body and -one by region and quantifier, with an overall slow progression toward -one and… read more
Using comparative sociolinguistic methods, we probe the underlying mechanisms governing the variation between possessive determiners, my bike, and the definite article, the bike, in possessive contexts in two mainstream English varieties (Canadian and British English, N = 6,217). read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2019 Supper or dinner? Sociolinguistic variation in the meals of the dayEnglish World-Wide 40:2, pp. 170–201 | Article
The English words for daily meals constitute a complex lexical variable conditioned by social and linguistic factors. Comparative sociolinguistic analysis of 884 speakers from more than a dozen locations in Ontario, Canada reveals a synchronic system with social correlates that are reflexes of… read more
In this chapter, I outline the Variationist Sociolinguistic approach and how it can probe questions of relevance to historical linguistics. Analysis of spoken language corpora from three geographic regions, the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and the Caribbean are the basis of investigation. The… read more
This paper examines adverb formation with -ly, e.g., slow/slowly, and uses a large archive of synchronic dialects to uncover the current state and historical trajectory of this process. The results reveal that English adverbs are a variegated system. The intensifying adverb really is a frequent… read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2017 A lost Canadian dialect: The Ottawa Valley 1975–2013Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, Säily, Tanja, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 239–274 | Chapter
Ottawa Valley English (OVE), a rural regional dialect enclave in Ontario, Canada, is under threat from social change, including urban sprawl and the encroachment of standard Canadian English. Using a trend study with two samples collected 30–35 years apart, we conduct a variationist sociolinguistic… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2016 Quantitative analysis in language variation and changeSpanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, Sessarego, Sandro and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero (eds.), pp. 3–32 | Article
The essential goal of variation analysis is to understand the behavior of the dependent variable according to a series of factors, either external (social) or internal (grammatical), (Sankoff, 1988, p. 985). I begin with a brief review of the standard tool, logistic regression using the Varb family… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2008 Conversations from the speech community: Exploring language variation in synchronic dialect corporaThe Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus evidence on English past and present, Nevalainen, Terttu, Irma Taavitsainen, Päivi Pahta and Minna Korhonen (eds.), pp. 107–128 | Article
Using a corpus of synchronic dialects from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland (the Roots Archive) I present a quantitative distributional analysis of a series of morpho-syntactic changes: verbal -s (1), causal conjunctions (2), relative clauses (3), the modals of necessity (4), stative… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. and Alexandra D'Arcy 2007 The modals of obligation/necessity in Canadian perspectiveEnglish World-Wide 28:1, pp. 47–87 | Article
The modal verbs of English have been undergoing change since the Late Old English and Early Middle English periods. Recent research suggests dramatic recent developments, particularly in American English. In this paper, we focus on the encoding of obligation/necessity, which involves the layering… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. and Jennifer Smith 2006 Layering, competition and a twist of fate: Deontic modality in dialects of EnglishDiachronica 23:2, pp. 341–380 | Article
This paper examines an area of ongoing change in English — deontic modality — and uses an archive of synchronic dialect data from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to discover new information about its development. History records a cline in this system from must to have to to have got to. By… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A., Jennifer Smith and Helen Lawrence 2005 English dialects in the British Isles in cross-variety perspective: A base-line for future researchDialects Across Borders: Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002, Filppula, Markku, Juhani Klemola, Marjatta Palander and Esa Penttilä (eds.), pp. 87–117 | Article
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2004 Have to, gotta, must? Grammaticalisation, variation and specialization in English deontic modalityCorpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English, Lindquist, Hans and Christian Mair (eds.), pp. 33–55 | Article
Quantitative analysis of forms used to express obligation/necessity in a variety of northern British English reveal that must is decreasing across generations. Instead of a marked increase in got to and gotta as reported for southern varieties of British English, these forms are used very little.… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. and Jennifer Smith 2002 “Either it isn’t or it’s not”: neg/aux contraction in British dialectsEnglish World-Wide 23:2, pp. 251–281 | Article
The source dialects in Britain are critical to disentangling the history and development of varieties in North America and elsewhere. One feature which appears to provide a critical diagnostic, particularly for situating dialects geographically in Britain, is negative (neg) vs. auxiliary (aux)… read more
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2000 The Story of kom in Nigerian Pidgin EnglishLanguage Change and Language Contact in Pidgins and Creoles, McWhorter, John H. (ed.), pp. 353–382 | Article
Tagliamonte, Sali A. 2000 The grammaticalization of the present perfect in English: Tracks of change and continuity in a linguistic enclavePathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English, Fischer, Olga, Anette Rosenbach and Dieter Stein (eds.), pp. 329–354 | Article
Tagliamonte, Sali A., Shana Poplack and Ejike Eze 1997 Plural Marking Patterns in Nigerian Pidgin EnglishJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 12:1, pp. 103–129 | Article
This paper examines the pluralization system of Nigerian Pidgin English (NPE). Extrapolating from proposals in the literature on English-based créoles as well as other vernaculars, we utilize quantitative methodology to assess the contribution of syntactic, semantic, and phonological features to… read more
Poplack, Shana and Sali A. Tagliamonte 1993 African American English in the diaspora: Evidence from oldline Nova ScotiansFocus on Canada, Clarke, Sandra (ed.), pp. 109–150 | Article
Tagliamonte, Sali A. and Shana Poplack 1993 The Zero-Marked Verb: Testing the Creole HypothesisJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 8:2, pp. 171–206 | Article
This paper examines the past temporal reference system in two data sets representing "early" Black English: Sarnana and the Ex-slave Recordings, with a view to discovering the structure underlying variable use of overt verbal morphology. Extrapolating from proposals in the literature on the… read more
Poplack, Shana and Sali A. Tagliamonte 1991 There’s No Tense Like the Present: Verbal — S Inflection in Early Black EnglishThe Emergence of Black English: Text and commentary, Bailey, Guy, Natalie Maynor and Patricia Cukor-Avila (eds.), pp. 275–326 | Article