Nicholas Mikkelsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicholas Mikkelsen plays a role.


Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction

Edited by Jakob Steensig, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen

[Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 37] 2025. vi, 441 pp. + index
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax


Mikkelsen, Nicholas 2025 Chapter 7. Parenthesis in storytelling in Danish talk-in-interactionGrammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 194–226 | Chapter
This chapter investigates two types of parentheses in storytelling in Danish talk-in-interaction. The first type is used as a way of making early-turn recalibrations to the unfolding talk and deals with issues regarding the recipients’ displays of knowing or understanding referents before… read more
Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen 2025 Chapter 1. Grammar in action: Social interaction as a basis for a comprehensive grammar?Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
In this chapter, we introduce the background for the studies in this volume. We review the treatment of grammar in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics and introduce the basic concepts in this analytical approach. We then discuss how interactional perspectives may relate to… read more