Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder plays a role.
Syntax and working memory in typically-developing children: Focus on syntactic complexity Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:2, pp. 141–176 | Article
2019 A growing trend in developmental psycholinguistics is to relate linguistic development to the development of other cognitive systems. Jakubowicz (2005, 2011) in particular argued that the processing of a complex sentence requires considerable working memory (WM) resources and that these… read more
Searching to Define Expertise in Interpreting Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 107–132 | Article
2000 A psycholinguistic perspective on Simultaneous Interpretation Interpreting 2:1/2, pp. 55–89 | Article
1997 Experimental psycholinguistics investigates the cognitive processes underlying our ability to comprehend and produce language using empirical tools similar to those used in experimental psychology. In so doing, it adopts the strategy of cognitive decomposition (see also Massaro & Shlesinger, this… read more
On the Acquisition of Subject and Object Clitics in French Generative Perspectives on Language Acquisition: Empirical findings, theoretical considerations and crosslinguistic comparisons, Clahsen, Harald (ed.), pp. 309–334 | Article
1996 Word Recognition And Speech Segmentation Lezen en luisteren in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 18–26 | Article