Michael P. Oakes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael P. Oakes plays a role.


Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Natural language processing
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Translation Studies
Oakes, Michael P. 2020 Statistical significance for measures of collocation strengthComputational Phraseology, Corpas Pastor, Gloria and Jean-Pierre Colson (eds.), pp. 189–206 | Chapter
Of the commonly-used measures of lexical association or collocation strength, only some directly relate to statistical significance: the t-score, chi-squared, log-likelihood, the z-score and Fisher’s exact test. We describe each of these tests, and also describe a computer simulation by which we… read more
This paper investigates the stylistic profiles of the early English translations of Cao Xueqin’s masterwork Hongloumeng (The Story of the Stone or Dream of the Red Chamber 1791), by Bowra (1868–70), Joly (1892–3), and Giles (1885). Through a detailed comparison of early English translations of the… read more
There are a number of different ways to describe a single corpus. We consider how the frequencies of linguistic features may be quantified, such as in terms of their “average” occurrence, dispersion among text segments, and whether they follow the familiar “bell curve” characteristic of a normal… read more
Vilares, Jesús, Michael P. Oakes and Manuel Vilares 2009 Character n-grams as text alignment unit: CLIR applicationsRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing V: Selected papers from RANLP 2007, Nicolov, Nicolas, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), pp. 193–204 | Article
Oakes, Michael P. and Chris D. Paice 2001 Term extraction for automatic abstractingRecent Advances in Computational Terminology, Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. 353–370 | Chapter
In this paper we describe term extraction from full length journal articles in the domain of crop husbandry for the purpose of producing abstracts automatically. Initially, candidate terms are extracted which occur in one of a number of fixed lexical environments, as found by a system of contextual… read more