Using data from the Northern Pastaza (qvc) and Upper Napo Quichua (quw) dialects of Amazonian Ecuador, this paper argues that the semantics of ideophones, a highly marked form class of expressive words, is principled and describable with a combination of sensori-semantic features and a… read more
I formulate an approach to ideophone semantics which, though based on a corpus from Pastaza Quichua, a South American indigenous language, has potential for analyzing the semantics of ideophone systems more generally. Research on ideophones’ formal properties has preoccupied an increasing number of… read more
Evidentials in Pastaza Quichua, an Amazonian dialect of Ecuadorian Quechua, are examined and their uses in narratives compared. The novel contribution of this chapter is to show, by comparing data from personal experience narratives, that evidentials are used to convey speaker subjectivity, rather… read more
Typological studies of motion verbs have struggled to conceptualize a framework that would adequately account for languages which make use of ideophoness for expressing manner of motion. This paper examines ideophones in the Pastaza Quichua dialect of Amazonian Ecuador, with a special focus on the… read more
Evidentials in Pastaza Quichua, an Amazonian dialect of Ecuadorian Quechua, are examined and their uses in narratives compared. The novel contribution of this paper is to show, by comparing data from personal experience narratives, that evidentials are used to convey speaker subjectivity, rather… read more